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REF.NO SORDA JF/S / SKU.NO 020814009382

Brand Shop
Discount price
$80.6 (35%OFF)
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You can use your mileage up to 0% of the listed price depending on the company/brand policies.


Kipling is a fashion brand that aims for a practical lifestyle bag of nylon for bright and active women. Kipling is committed to a vibrant, active lifestyle and a philosophy that exists for those who crave adventure and joy. We are launching new colors and designs according to fashion trends and always dreaming new development with constant change.

KIPLING Brand Shop

Product details

Product details
Material Polyamide 100%
Size 27x35x8
Manufacturer Leenos Co., Ltd
Caution Laundry unavailable
Quality Assurance Standard 1. Warranty period: Within 1 year from the date of purchase.
2. Quality assurance standards abide by related laws or the Consumer dispute resolution standards.
Types Back pack
Manufacturing country China

National size guide



    * Please note that warranty card is not provided for fashion items including a wallet, pouch, and pencil case (excluding a bag).

    * Please refer to the "Directions" or care label before washing the item.


    * For items that are "washable in lukewarm water with neutral detergents"

     - Washing the item in water is allowed.
     - Please wash the item in water under the temperature of 30 by hand.
     - Do not wash the item with other items as the color of an item may easily comes out when washing.
     - Wash the item with a soap or neutral detergents. Rinse throughly after washing.
     - Make sure the detergents are completely dissolved in water before washing to avoid decoloration.
     - Do not leave the item in a soapy water for more than 3 hours as it may cause decoloration. Dry in well-ventilated places.
     - Make sure the item is completely dry after washing as remained water may leave stains on the item.

    * For items that are "not washable"
     - This item is not washable. Please gently wipe the contaminants with a wet cloth.

    * Directions (for luggage) : Before you purchase an item, please check the information regarding regulations related to additional baggage handlings as they may differ for each airline. 

Repairs Service

    · A / S subject
    Free of charge A / S only for parts that are recognized as defective during the specified period
    Please note that the consumable part will be borne by the customer regardless of the period and can not be the reason for returning the exchange or refund.
    Other customer's carelessness can be received at any time without any fixed period, and actual expenses will be charged.
    Please see below for other precautions.

    · Free period A / S - 1 year

    · Exception subjects for Free of charge A / S -
    Bag, trolley (travel carrier), consumable parts, dyeing, metal decoration, etc.
    ※ A / S non-A / S subject to change depends on the type and condition of the product.

    · A / S Inquiry
    Kipling (Linos) / 02-3489-6415

    · Etc
    A / S is the meaning of the supplement, it may not be the same as the state of the product at the time of purchase.
    You must bring the exchange ticket / receipt you purchased at Shilla Duty Free Shop.

Image details

Please read

  • 1. Please note that depending on your device, the color of the image may differ from the actual product.
  • 2. Due to the internal policy, the price of the Shilla Duty Free Offline Store and The Shilla Duty Free Shop may differ.
  • 3. Please be aware that the exchange of duty free products may be restricted due to Customs law.
  • 4. Even if the order is completed, it may be canceled due to availability.
  • 5. For defects on your product, please contact the Customer Service Center.
  • 6. Products that are not received by the customer will be automatically canceled 10 days after the departure date. Points and coupons for orders may expire depending on the expiration date. However, it may take up to 16 days depending on the location of the product.

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Note when purchasing duty free items

  • Purchase and exemption limit
    - There is no purchase limit for foreigners leaving Korea.
  • Bringing duty-free items to Korea
    - When entering Korea, if you exceed the allowable duty-free limit of travel, you must pay the tax after voluntarily declaring to customs.
    - If not declared voluntarily, additional tax may be levied or subject to penalties under the customs law.
    - When entering Korea by carrying duty-free items, the total amount of duty-free purchase is up to $ 600.
  • Exchange/refund
    - You can request an exchange refund via international mail directly from overseas. If you enter Korea with more than $ 600 of duty-free goods, you will be entitled to an exchange refund only by declaring your goods at the customs office.
  • Guides on the tax amount
    - When the goods are imported exceeding the exemption range, the estimated tax amount can be checked through "Customs tax website" (www.customs.go.kr) with "Estimation of estimated tax amount".